About Song Of The Day

Song of the Day is a daily segment on Star Throne TV – Music where they feature a different song each day. The songs are chosen from a variety of genres, including Afrobeats, hip-hop, R&B, and gospel. The goal of the segment is to expose viewers to new music and to support Nigerian artists.

Song of the Day is a great way to discover new Nigerian music and to support Nigerian artists. If you are a fan of Nigerian music, then you should be sure to check out Song of the Day on Star Throne TV – Music.


Here are some of the benefits of watching Song of the Day:

  • Discover new Nigerian music: The segment features a different Nigerian song each day. This is a great way to discover new music and to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in Nigerian music.
  • Support Nigerian artists: The segment is a platform for Nigerian artists to showcase their music. By watching Song of the Day, you can support Nigerian artists and help them to achieve their dreams.
  • Learn more about Nigerian music: The interviews on this segment give viewers a chance to learn more about the artists and their music. This is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of Nigerian music culture.

If you are a fan of Nigerian music, then you should be sure to check out Song of the Day on Star Throne TV – Music. It is a great way to discover new music, support Nigerian artists, and learn more about Nigerian music culture.